Import Students

Example template(s) are shown below. Save the file as an Excel file with a .xls or .xlsx extension and upload it below.

Download Excel Template

The following fields are required:

Column Name Description
Firstname The firstname of the student.
Surname The surname of the student.
Reg The form group / class the student is associated with.
Adno A unique admission number identifying the student.
This should not change between subequent imports - otherwise the system will not be able to update the student as they change yeargroups.
If using SIMS, suggested to use the SIMS student admission number.
Year The yeargroup of the student. This can be in either format: "Year 1" / "1", "Year 2" / "2" ect.
Use "Reception" for students in Reception class or "Nursery" for Nursery class.
For students in Reception/Nursery you can also use "0" or "-1" respectively.
Gender The students gender. This can be M/F or Male/Female or any other text.
DOB The date of birth of the student.
Additional custom fields can also be imported by specifying a title for the field name in the first Excel row in column H onwards.
Each students data must be on a single row within the Excel document.

Example File:

Mandatory Columns
Optional Columns
Firstname Surname Reg Adno Year Gender DOB Ethnicity Eligible For Free School Meals ...
Alex Mccoy Kestrel Class 123456 Nursery M 01/01/2010 White - British False ...
Benjamin Jones Woodpecker Class 789456 Reception M 01/02/2010 White - British False ...
James Moore Badger Class 566545 Year 1 M 02/02/2010 White - British True ...
Charlie Smith Perl Class 456789 Year 2 F 03/02/2010 Gypsy/Roma False ...
Bethany Pink Eagle Class 999854 Year 4 F 05/02/2010 White - British True ...

Excel File to Import: