Report Email Template

This email is sent to appropriate members of staff when students are reported in the system.

The following codes can be used in the email template in addition to full Markdown support.

Code: Subsitution in the email:
{ReportEventDate} The Date the Behaviour occured.
{ReportReportedtTime} The Time the Report was created.
{ReportUser} The name of the staff member who created the report.
{ReportUserEmail} The email address of the staff member who created the report.
{ReportBehaviourType} The type of Behaviour being reported.
{ReportBehaviourSubCategory} The subcategory of the Behaviour being reported.
{ReportPeriod} The period of the school day when the behaviour was reported.
{ReportComments} Comments from staff on the reported incident.
{ReportActionsTaken} Actions taken by staff on the reported incident.
{ReportVictims} Victims specified in the reported incident.
{StudentFullName} The Full Name of the Student.
{StudentFirstname} The Firstname of the Student.
{StudentSurname} The Surname of the Student.
{StudentAdmissionNumber} The Admission Number of the Student.
{StudentDOB} The Date Of Birth of the Student.
{StudentClass} The Class the Student is in.
{StudentGender} The Gender of the Student.
{StudentOnRoll} Returns True if the Student is OnRoll, otherwise False.
{StudentYearGroup} The YearGroup of the Student.